Nursery B

Welcome to 3KB! My name is Mrs. Bartellino (Ms. B) and my teacher’s assistant’s name is Ms. JoJo!


We started the school year with the first six weeks of our unit. The students were learning routines in the classroom, their environment, making new friends - learning socialization skills, and their new surroundings. 


The students were introduced to the ball unit. We talked about different types of balls, their size, if they roll and/or if they bounce, and what they can do with balls.  They will able to explore all the different things they could do with balls.


The students were introduced to the clothes unit. We talked about different types of clothes and why we wear them. We learned about how you wash and dry clothes and even created our very own laundromat in our dramatic play center.  We also had firefighter Nolan come and talk to the children, and he explained the special clothes he wears and how they protect him when he’s working.


The students were introduced to the box unit. We have been discussing what you can do with boxes, the different shapes and sizes, and how to create things out of boxes. We made a robot using different size boxes that we decorated.


The unit we are focusing on now is Roads. We are talking about different types of roads, how some are bumpy or smooth. We are also looking at what signs we see when we drive on roads and the traffic lights.  We celebrated the 100th day of school on February 12th. 3KB parents came to read to the class as mystery readers.


The unit we are focusing on is Insects.  Alley Pond Environmental Center came to talk to the children about insects, and they brought a cockroach, praying mantis and a wooden stick.  We also talked about different insects.  We received caterpillars and are watching the lifecycle of a butterfly.